Gender Equity in Health Profession #3

Gender Equity and Academic Medicine
March 14, 2024
Gender Pay Equity – US Department of Labor
March 21, 2024
Gender Equity and Academic Medicine
March 14, 2024
Gender Pay Equity – US Department of Labor
March 21, 2024

“Gender Equity in Health Profession” is the continuation of a series of gender pay equity.  Women in medicine who want to rise up within the academic hierarchy need to write 8 papers per year. I learned of this statistic 5 years ago.  no one had told me for many years!  Unless the woman has many publications per year, the woman physician in academic medicine does not rise up the ladder.

So how does one write 8 papers per year? Need a lab, need fellows, residents, research fellows. How do you pay for this on your academic salary based on patient care? Aha! You need grants.  This is a chicken and egg problem. If you have no papers, you cannot apply for grants. And you need grants to write papers.  Find out how to navigate this world.
