AB. 130

Women and Heart Disease
December 19, 2023
Diversity and Leadership
December 21, 2023
Women and Heart Disease
December 19, 2023
Diversity and Leadership
December 21, 2023

AB 133 makes into law the need to have bidirectionality in healthcare records: patients can access their records and the treating MD can access the patient’s record from the other treating MDs. This AB 133 grew out of TEFCA: Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement as part of the federal suggested guidelines.  TEFCA establishes a universal floor of interoperability, connecting public health entities and patients. The development of TEFCA was mandated by the 21st Century CURES Act on January 19, 2022: US HHS office of the National Coordinator for Helath Information Technology (ONC) published the TEFCA.

